Parara USA Annual Report 2016-2017
- A message from the president of the executive committee
- Board of directors & executive officers
- State office presidents and volunteers
- Our programs
- Membership
- Financial statements
- Momoret conference report
- Thank you supporters
How can you help?
- Sign up for monthly contributions ($10, $25, $50 per month).
- Volunteer locally: Create your office. This is very important.
- Support our next project
- Volunteer for our 2018 Election
- Sign up online to our email list
A message from the President of the Executive Committee
Greetings with Jubek Spirit,
My beloved Bari community member I hope you and the family is doing well. Thank you for your support and commitment to our community through out 2016-2017. Your voice and support was critical in connecting our community and keeping us accountable to you.
I am happy of our contributions and I believe we can continue to rise higher than we are today. Parara USA goal is to bring the Bari community together so that we cannot lose our roots and we can empower each other to be productive members of the American society. We are volunteers, we are organized, and we help each other in time of need. Through love, unity, and action we can achieve our goals.
Our community is struggling with side effects of the civil war in South Sudan. This issue continues to consume our spiritual, mental, and physical resources. We have hope that this issue will also come to past. I encourage all to continue to support humanitarian channels to support our people back home from hunger and disease.
Humanitarian assistance: we increased our humanitarian assistance to our people by 21% compared to 2015-2016. Thank you members for your contribution. Your donations give hope and strength for others to continue to live.
Bari Census: We have started the process to determine the actual number of Bari persons in the USA by contacting state leaders and individual members. This process help us improve organization of our community and also help us determine and engage the youth of our community. Calling individual members across the US did not work well. However, we improved our registration process during our annual conference. We will continue this improved registration process and encourage state leaders to become more active and organized.
Successful Momoret 2017: The Momoret is the most important event for Parara USA because it brings our community together. A family that talk, eat, and pray together will likely stay together. This year the Momoret was hosted by BC Wisconsin/Illinois in Milwaukee. The event connected about 86 adults and 126 children.
Bari class: I want to thank Emilio Mongu for starting the Bari class in November of 2016. This was the first online class for the Bari language. I am proud that it was started here. However, I am disappointed with enrollment number. I encourage you register in the next class to promote Bari language.
Youth and Scholarship: Parara USA offers two $500 scholarship to students in the USA who have shown academic excellence. Last year we did not award it to anyone. We need to better advertise to the youth. I encourage all to inform others in the community. We will begin accepting applications in November 15, 2017. Selected students will be awarded during Momoret 2018.
I would like to thank all our members and sponsors for their contributions. I also would like to acknowledge the executive officers, board of directors, state leaders and volunteers for their contributions and efforts to keep up with community work.
Thank you for your service and commitment.
Let’s volunteer and donate today.
Emmanuel Sokiri Pitia
President, Executive Committee
Parara USA Inc.
*** for complete annual report, go to media and log in link: